Name: Don E-mail: (Not Available) Subject: Re: Dispute!
I`m well aware that Sully is gone; you`ve grossly misunderstood my comment in reference to him. As far as I`m concerned, the fact that his map is being referenced means he`s still in the AO. I`m looking at a 1968 edition of a US Army, 1/50,000 map of Hue, produced by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency. The contour interval as I thought is 20 meters (not feet or yards). I see numerous hilltops, high points or whatever you want to call them with elevations of 66m, 30m, 78m, even 10m. The point of elevation marks is to assist in navigating by terrain analysis.There`s no rule that says three digits are required. I`m still thinking that on a 1/25,000 map the contour intervals are 10m--but 1/25 maps are hard to find so until we do... Glad you liked the story, thanks for changing it.