Name: MO
E-mail: (Not Available)
Subject: Re: Glad you asked...

    Good question. Wordpad and Notepad are not the same. Notepad is so bare bones text it almost doesn`t qualify as a word processor like Wordpad, Works, Word, Word6 etc.

    Notepad is more of an editing program. What you see is what you get. Nothing added, filtered, or encoded with bullshit Microsoft code stuff.

    That code stuff is useful of course for sending good looking paper printouts all paragraphed out nicely and with colored print and a nice logo etc, but not for web page editing.

    I got a training project for you. See if you can find and download..Putty (telnet). It`s a secure way to adjust/edit web work without even using a browser (till you want to check your work).

    I think you could hanl it easy.

    ....and it`s free!

    Think of it as a little Linux system, cause once you get it down, Linux is pie, not that you need to know Linux.

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