A Chelsea Morning

by Mark Orr

I woke up in one morning a few years back, and manually turned on my AM radio to Quang Tri. The D.J. was talking about what a glorius day this was going to be "weather-wise." Looking around, I had to agree. There was a slow breeze and just enough humidity to cause a light haze which was quickly getting burnt off by the morning sun.

While the D.J. chattered further I fixed myself some breakfeast and made myself a hot cup of strong coffee ...and a smoke. Finally they played some music. It was a perfect call. I had heard Joni Mitchell singing Chelsea Morning before, but on this day and at this moment, it was just the perfect song to play. I wasn't into analyzing the words, it was the music in general. Or maybe it was the cigarette.

So the weather was perfect, the music was perfect, I had just enjoyed a half-way decent breakfast, and to top all that off, today's assignment would be an easy task. I put on my favorite diagonal striped burgandy and navy blue tie and finished off a warm coke that had been left out all night. The first thing I had to do after that was to talk to my co-workers about how best to accomplish the work of this day.

I guess I'll always think of Joni Mitchell now, whenever I wake up to a "Chelsea Morning." Anyway, one of my co-workers snapped a photo while I was finishing off that coke. I enclose that photo as recollectional proof that I once had a decent day... in Vietnam. With me on point, voluntarily, we humped a few clicks. 'Din't see a damn thing.

...dig the tie