"Rrrrank Isss Rrrright"

by Don Gourley

It was late Feb or early March, '69 and we were operating in the villes east of Hue. The CO had gone to the rear for a "Commanders Call" (i.e., steak BBQ), Dan O'Neill, as senior LT was in charge and we were all pretty much screwing off.

However, Dan was no where to be found (where were you Dan?) when we got the call that MAJ Reich was in-bound to our location.

I had to do the honors; met him at the chopper and of course saluted smartly. MAJ Reich (was he the XO or the S3 then?) told me that he wanted to inspect the perimeter, so I said, "OK sir" and off I started with him beside me.

I'd gone about 10 feet when suddenly; MAJ Reich grabbed me by the left arm and pulled me from his right side over to his left side. I was speechless; couldn't imagine what he was doing or what I should do in return-buttstroke him, what?

As I stared at him in amazement he said in his German accent, "Rrrrank isss rrrright, Lieutenant!"

I had no clue what he was talking about; must have slept through the etiquette portion of Infantry School and all I could say was "What, huh?"

He repeated, "Rrrrank iss rrrright. The rrrranking officer is always to the rrrright of his subordinates."

"But we're in the field," I said. "It makes no difference," said the Major, "Military courtesy applies in all situations," or something to that effect.

Anyway, the perimeter inspection was a success, MAJ Reich went back to Sally happy that he'd earned his hostile fire pay for another month and I learned a valuable lesson about the importance of military courtesy.

October 10, 2001
Don Gourley