The Great Flood: Typhoon Bess

by Dave "Doc" Holladay

B Co. 1/501, Fall ? 1969, costal plain probably East of Hue, probably closer to LZ Sandy. I cannot speak for A, C, or D Companies, cause I do not know where they were at that time. We were working the sandy low rolling hills not far from the ocean, when order came down for us to get to the highest ground we can find. All I knew was ,that a major storm was coming or was already on us and flooding was a factor. First platoon, my platoon took refuge in a small village hamlet, very small, just a few bamboo buildings with old pop and mom. They did not want us there, but with so much firepower upon them, they said nothing. I think none of us knew the extent of this great "Typhoon Bess" was to bring upon everyone. It rained hard for three days and nights with the ocean being pushed inland just like a couple years age on New Orleans. The water kept rising and we kept burning the families furniture, even his water wheel that he used to move water from one field to another. We did this to keep warm. The snakes and rats we shot. They came looking for high ground to keep from drowning. We all huddled under the grass roofs of the buildings, being blessed that we had found this spot. Even though we all bitched at the conditions that we were in. We did not have to worry about Charly, if he was out and about, he probably had already drowned! No choppers could fly and our food was about gone. The only food I had left was a can of fruit cake. I kept it in my pack, in case I captured a V.C., I would make him eat it, and he would be dead in six hours! Finally a resupply slick made it out, even as the rain came down. They kicked cases of C-rations and stainless big cans of split pea soup into the water. We grabbed these treasures before they sank and got back under the grass roofs. When the water went down enough to move to higher ground, we went to a grave yard for major resupplies and a stand down. Our Company was de-activated for a short period cause so many men were sent to the rear cause of foot immersion .

Dave "Doc" Hollady

B/1/501: Vietnam 1968-'69