The Light

by Wayne E. Hastings

T his a warstory but it happened to me just the other day.

My cousin, we grew up like brothers the same age. He received his draft notice the same day he was sworn in to the Airforce. Went to Tailand did some support of somekind. Returned home and joined the NGs stayed in and went to E8 and was looking forward to retiring with a pension.

(Fastforward to last week)

Our old Home town is having a going away party for town NGs who were just called up. I went up to see him off.

I was trying to think of some good advice to give him, Not the old "keep your head down" "cover your ass" "don't be a hero" stuff.

So I told him about the "LIGHT". On two occasions I saw a light around or in the face of men who were minutes later dead. I credit my di-di mauing the area with saving my live on both occasions.

He listened but I don't know if he believed me. I hope he did.

At any rate, a couple nights later I'm watching a Special on Rod Serling. For those of you who don't know Rod was trapped on a Jap island in WWII out of food and out of ammo in short he saw some heavy shit. He later became a prolific writer for the Twilight Zone . He wrote a story about the "LIGHT" and a Lt. who had the same experience I did. I was floored. I don't recall ever seeing this episode. Now I'm wondering if my subconscience is was fucking with me. The two men were none the less dead.

Wayne Hastings